One-Day Event Registration

A One Day Redwood Men’s Center Event

A group of men in a line with linked arms.Saturday, October 26th, 2024, 9:30am to 4:30pm
Registration to begin at 9:00am
CYO Retreat Center,
2136 Bohemian Highway, Occidental, CA 95465
[between Freestone and Occidental]

To all men of goodwill, or anyone who knows a man of goodwill: The Redwood Men’s Center invites you to A Day For Men. In this auspicious time as Day of the Dead approaches, we will gather in fellowship and community around “the deep well of things as they are” to renew ourselves, to harvest our joys, to raise our voices in song, grief and gratitude, to name our and the world’s challenges aloud and to savor the companionship of open-hearted men.

To feel again Ancestral Guidance, to not be alone.

There will be stories, drumming, singing ritual and deep sharing. Bring drums, instruments, pictures of ancestors and a journal or notebook. Lunch will be provided.

This is a wheelchair accessible event.
No alcohol or non-medical cannabis.
Fee: $80.00 in advance or $100.00 cash or check at the door (sorry, no credit cards accepted at the event.) Scholarships are available.

 Click here to register.

With Gratitude,
The RMC Planning committee.

PLEASE DONATE – To contribute to the Scholarship Fund, click “Donate”: