Annual Men’s Conference

Announcing a Change in Date & Location for

The 2025 Annual Men’s Conference

May 29 (Thursday) through June 1 (Sunday), 2025

Dear Brothers –

For 30 plus years a deep hunger for community and fellowship has inspired us to meet at several exciting sites. Beginning with the Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa for our first few years, then to Gualala for almost two decades, briefly at the Valley of The Moon, and most recently onto the Mendocino Woodlands Camps (both 2 & 3) for the next dozen years. Each of these different homes brought us rich vistas, both in our external exchanges with glorious landscapes and our internal dialogues within ourselves.

This year marks the beginning of a new chapter as we say goodbye with much thanks and gratitude to Mendocino Woodlands camp. The rustic camp though beautiful has become problematic for many of our elders with mobility issues preventing them from being able to attend.

We are happy to announce a new partnership with CYO Retreat Center between Occidental & Freestone, CA.  The well-appointed CYO facility, which has ADA approval for men physically challenged, will offer some new amenities such as: all cabins have electricity (accommodating men with CPAP devices) and heat, a closer proximity for many men, (less travel time), an in-house kitchen, so we no longer need to cater our meals, a less rugged terrain to traverse, and an over-all welcoming environment.We know however, to allow for a healthy shift, to welcome-in the new, we must first honor this change, not only our memories but also our understandable grief. One aspect of this change is the loss of convening over the Memorial Day weekend. We will be gathering therefore in 2025 on May 29th (Thursday) to June 1st (Sunday). Please note and hold this new date.

Previous attendees may need to take some time absorbing and adjusting to this change. You might want to reflect on and write about some of your experiences at the Mendocino Woodlands Camp, whether you attended only once or many times over the years.  What sort of home did it provide for you, heart and soul?  If it feels right, please share these memories through our Google Group using the login and link given to you when you signed up for the Conference (please use the Contact Us link to re-establish your Group membership if it’s lapsed).

Farewell Mendocino Woodlands! You nourished our souls deeply and we are grateful! We love you and will not forget all we shared in your presence.

We have an opportunity to visit CYO Retreat Center for our One Day event on October 26th. Click here to register for the One Day Event.

Thank you!

The RMC Planning Committee –
(Andy, Barry, Conrad, Garth, Gordon, Gregory, Hari, John, Mike, Richard & Sean).

More details will be forthcoming. Please click here to add yourself to the Conference Information mailing list to receive updates (no spam, and we do not let anyone else use the list.) Please note: the list is a double opt-in list, you will receive a confirming email that you MUST reply to in order to successfully be added to the list.